This Is Chris!

Hi, I'm Chris Larder OUA student studying IT online at RMIT

Vector Image of Chris Larder

I'm Chris Larder

Hi, I'm Chris Larder my serial number... er I mean student number is s3777783. I'm an Australian of Filipino heritage. In a previous life, also known as 7 years ago. I graduated from Griffith University on the Gold Coast with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Popular Music Media and Culture and Digital Video Production. I'm also a self-confessed muso. I've played the piano since I was 4 years old and guitar since I was 13. In my time I've played in multiple bands with varying levels of success.

The reason I've chosen to dive back into the world of academia is that during my previous study I was far more fascinated in the tech side of both of my majors. And since graduating I did have my own small online business for 3 years. After my business when under (like most new small businesses do) I found myself working for Woolworths as an Online Manager. During my time in that role, I found that there was so much more to how we use technology and machine learning to optimise business processes. The hopeful outcome I have for completing this course and then the rest of the Bachelor of Information Technology is to sort of upgrade my job.

My Ideal Job

Ideally, I see myself working as a project manager in deploying software solutions to businesses. Like the one, I've found here. Link to Cool Job

The job advertised here is for a project manager looking after business to business relationships. Using their skills in SAP specifically to help optimise client's technology needs. For this job, I would need skills in SAP but to me, the most important part of this job is communication skills. In my current role I have already gained people and organisational skills. What I'm lacking in the technological skills that hopefully my studying at RMIT with fill in. My goal is to complete the Bachelor of IT at RMIT and use my experience with the courses to gain the skills needed for jobs like this.

screen grab of job advertisment

My Personality Tests

After taking these tests I have realised a couple of things about myself.

I learn by listening and being shown. Which is great in terms of online study because that means I'm in the perfect environment for my education.

The Myers-Briggs test says that I'm a great communicator which is perfect for team environments. In my personal and professional life, I do put a great emphasis on communication. The Myers-Briggs test also says that I may be very emotional when it comes to things causing stress. This is something that I must consider when working in a stressful team enviorment. So my personal focus with the group task will be to take stock of all my emotions when making desicions.

Myers-Briggs Test Results

myers briggs results

Learning Test Results

learning results image

Vark Test Results

vark results

My Project Idea

Building and Construction Calculator App

A smartphone construction calculator to help builders and DIYers plan and cost construction and renovation costs. The app will calculate the required quantities of materials based on the dimensions given. For example if you were constructing a retaining wall of 3 by 1.8 metres you could the app could tell you how many 200 series besser blocks would be needed. The app would then tell you how much mortar you would need and the volume of concrete required to backfill the blocks. The app could then use Google's Custom Search JSON API to find material costs at nearby suppliers and then price the total project. There are many other examples of uses for this app including how much soil to fill a garden bed. How many 1350mm sheets of gyprock needed for an internal wall 5 meters long and 1.8 metres high.

Australia is a country of DIYers and in November 2017 over 2,012,000 people were employed in construction and manufacturing. A quick search of any app store shows a need for an Australian focused Construction Calculator. This app also has a big potential for monetisation through paid add-on features like storing pricing for different jobs in a project management style tool. Or, building regulations and whether a project would require local council approval and other regulatory requirements.

The app will be completed in various stages with tests completed and feedback sought from users.

Stage One
The app will be able to calculate the following:

  • Wall materials for internal, external and retaining walls
  • The number of tiles required for an area based on tile size and standard grouting methods
  • Materials to construct a standard garden bed and amount of soil required.
  • Basic Unit Conversion
  • Volume Calculation

Stage Two
The app will use google api to search for local suppliers of materials and cost out projects. For a paid account/subscription via in-app purchase, the app will be able to store multiple projects in a cloud-based database along their costs and the locations of the suppliers making the app an invaluable project management tool.

Stage Three
In consultation with industry professionals the app will be able to inform the user of any regulatory requirements for their project. Including but not limited to:

  • Minimum and Maximum wall heights
  • Material Strength Requirements
  • Engineering sign offs

In order for this app to be successful there will need to be a lot of consultation with industry professionals. Including consultation with government agencies as well. In terms of the technical skills required the app will be developed on Multi OS Engine ( to ensure compatibility with both Android and iOS smart devices. To program the app the following skills will be required:

  • Java Programmer
  • Cloud Solutions Architect
  • Graphic Designer
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Project Manager

The monetisation potential for this app is immense. If successful not only will the app be great at creating revenue it will also be an invaluable tool for any individual/company to manage their construction projects.

This Is Me

a real picture of chris